
Jun 13, 20222 min


What are Probiotics?

Believe it or not, our gut is full of tiny bacteria that makes up our own unique “micro-biome”. Don’t be turned off! Gut microbes do some amazing and important things! They absorb energy from food and are essential in helping us take in nutrients. They help us break down complex molecules found in animal and plant food.So, when you read or hear about prebiotics and probiotics,they are both unique and important to your gut health. Probiotics are the star of gut health, helping improve digestion and decreasing inflammation; and pre-biotics are a supporting pillar.

Prebiotics can be thought of as molecules that “prime the pump.” They provide the fuel for good bacteria to grow.

How do we get PROBIOTCS?


o Active cultures found in food are a form of probiotics. Foods and beverages that contain active cultures include yogurt (dairy & nondairy), buttermilk (not cultured), kefir (a probiotic milk beverage), & aged cheese.

o Fermented foods make great prebiotics: things such as kimchi, sauerkraut, (fresh) sour dill pickles, kombucha (a fermented tea), miso, tempeh (popular meat substitute) and natto (a food made from fermented soybeans) and water or brine-cured olives.

o Supplementation ~ be sure that the supplement you purchase contains greater than 20 billion CFU (Colony Forming Unit) with 4 or more strains of bacteria.

o High fiber foods ~Remember, eating high fiber foods fuels the good bacteria.

When should I take my PROBIOTICS?

· If you are taking a probiotic supplement, it should be taken with food for best results.

· Some probiotics need to be refrigerated and some are shelf stable. Be sure to check your label.

What are PROBIOTCS good for?

· Simply put probiotics help keep your body healthy and working well. These good bacteria fight off excessive bad bacteria; keeping your body in “neutral.” As the Cleveland Clinic explains, when you are sick, bad bacteria enters your body and increases in number. Thus, your body is out of balance. Good bacteria (probiotics) work to fight off the bad bacteria and restore the balance within your body.

· The good bacteria support your immune function and helps control inflammation.

· Helps your body digest food

· Support the cells that line your gut to prevent “leaky gut syndrome”

· Aids with the breakdown and absorption of medications.

Cheers to a healthy gut!
